In the spring of 2021, copier manufacturers reported a major shortage of microchips. This chip shortage is not simply poor supply chain management; it’s the lingering effects from 2020. This semiconductor chip shortage will carry over into the next couple of months as nationwide logistics are still shorthanded from the effects of the pandemic. These chips are essential for all copiers and printers from all manufacturers.
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see here for more info. What does this mean for your business in 2021? Getting copiers will certainly take a lot longer to arrive if you wait to order.
Copy machine microchips are not the only element being negatively affected. Accessing technology has slowed dramatically due to the current high demand and low supply. This means assets like computers, smartboards, and webcams will become harder to acquire for businesses. So if your business is getting back to normal operations, but you still need serious office technology office upgrades, what do you do?
C3 Tech is working hard to deliver Orange County copiers
As a trusted consultant, C3 can help you navigate these shortages and fulfill orders from our stocked warehouse. We are a vendor-neutral business working with major copier and computer manufactures around the world. This means you can choose new devices from the best companies. While this squeeze in logistics is just beginning, we recommend ordering all your office tech now, so that you’ll have it by Fall 2021.
The chip shortage cause is clear, but the industries experiencing the strain vary widely; from auto manufacturers to telecom companies. If this issue doesn’t seem serious, read what CNBC has to say, “South Korean tech giant Samsung said last week that the chip shortage is hitting television and appliance production, while LG admitted the shortage is a risk.” One of our partners, Canon, explained they have enough inventory for June but will likely experience a shortage of semiconductor chips until late August or September. This means if you NEED a new copier, the time to order is now.
How does “chip shortage 2021″ affect C3 Tech? The good news is, the supply chain issues and chip shortage nightmare will subside eventually. But businesses across Orange County will certainly feel the sting of long wait times and higher prices from common retailers. C3 Tech is working hard to make sure all of our clients can get their orders in a timely fashion. Businesses that wait to order copy machines may be back-ordered for up to 2 months because of the break in the supply chain. If you need updated equipment without skipping a beat, call C3 Tech TODAY.
Unfortunately, we can’t control the supply chain, but we will fulfill orders from June ASAP.